Monday, May 30, 2016

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is June 12-16, from 6pm-8:30pm. On June 12, our kickoff night will begin at 4:30pm. The theme this year is "Submerged." Get Submerged in God's Word at Vacation Bible School. Dive in to find truth below the surface! You can register online when you click here. Once on that page, click the link on the top left titled "Participant Registration."

If you are wanting to volunteer to help, you need to contact Amy Gray. All of the main spots are filled, but we can always use more volunteers to help out. In addition, we have posted a list of food and supplies needed outside the office.

Julie White will be teaching our 5th-6th grade group. They participate in a mission project during the week, and they will need items donated for local foster children. Our kids will collect, sort, and deliver those items at the end of the week. Here are the items they need:
Feminine hygiene products
Pajamas (new; all sizes--birth through teenager) Socks (new--all sizes) Underwear (new--all sizes) Diapers Wipes

It will help us if you could have them to the church no later than Wednesday, June 15. You can place the items in the brown box in fellowship hall or leave them in the youth room. Please make sure you indicate on the items what they are to be used for.

Finally, I would like to ask you to begin praying if you have not already. I recently read an article that indicated 10% of kids who attend a VBS will be unchurched. WOW! What an opportunity we have. Prayer is a powerful tool we need to use in the next few weeks leading up to and during VBS. Please pray some or all of the following:

1. Pray for the children who will attend. Pray that God will prepare their hearts to learn about Jesus.
2. Pray compassion would fill the hearts of every adult leader.
3. Pray the Gospel will be proclaimed boldly, compassionately, and clearly.
4. Pray the Lord will work through the lives of the children to reach their families with the Gospel.
5. Pray for those who accept Christ. Pray they will get involved in discipleship and grow as Christ-followers.
6. Pray those who attend who are hungry for love and affirmation would find it not just from the leaders but in Jesus.
7. Pray those who do not have a church home will be compelled to get connected at our church.
8. Pray for strength and endurance both physically and spiritually for all leaders and children.
9. Pray for unity among the leaders as they serve together.
10. Pray that what is learned will make a difference in the lives of all who participate.
11. Pray that all leaders will offer their service to the Lord and work for Him and Him alone.
12. Pray for a week of good weather (no rain, not too hot, etc.)
13. Pray for safety during recreation and drop-off/pick-up times.