Thursday, April 13, 2017

Modern Worship Pastor Search Update

If you have been unable to be with us the past few weeks, I wanted to bring you up to speed on our search for a new modern worship pastor. Jackson Barton had his last Sunday with us on April 2. We are thankful for his service as he was instrumental in helping us launch our modern worship service. In our search to find someone to fill this position, we were pointed to Jonah Bynum. He is currently a student at UCA, and he leads worship for the BCM. After several conversations with him and listening to him lead worship, we are convinced God is leading us to call Jonah as our next modern worship pastor.

Jonah will come in view of a call on April 23. We want to give those who attend the first service an opportunity to listen to him, so he will sing the special music during the first service. He will then lead worship for the modern worship service. At noon, we will have a luncheon in fellowship hall to give our members the chance to ask Jonah questions. He will share his testimony and call to ministry as part of the meeting. We will then transition into a business meeting and vote by secret ballot. I hope you will be here to help us be a part of this process.

In Christ,
Mark Smith, Pastor of FBC Jacksonville, AR