Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Something a Little Funny

Laughter. Laughing is one of my favorite things to do; even if it is at myself. Lord Byron has said, "Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine." I'm no Lord Byron, but one of the things I find myself often saying is, "You just have to laugh." People are funny. Sometimes they do/say things that make perfect sense to them. However, when you are on the other side or watching from a distance, it leaves you scratching your head. I can't think of a place this happens more often than in the church.

I love the blog that Thom Rainer writes. Occasionally he will blog about something funny. So, if you click the link below you can read, "20 Really Weird Criticisms Pastors Receive." I hope as you read these, even if you are guilty of saying them, you will laugh a little. I know I did.

20 Really Weird Criticisms Pastors Receive

If you have time, it is worth reading the comments below the blog. Some of it is funny, but in reality most of it is truly sad.

In Christ,
Mark Smith, Pastor of FBC Jacksonville, AR