Thursday, February 23, 2017

Disciples Making Disciples: Relationship

This past Sunday we spent our time together looking at the stages of spiritual growth. Where am I in terms of spiritual maturity? Am I ready to be a person who makes disciples who makes disciples? We learned that our words and actions reveal where we are in our spiritual growth process. The five stages are Spiritual Death, Spiritual Infant, Spiritual Child, Spiritual Young Adult, and Spiritual Parent. If you were not able to be here this past Sunday, I encourage you to go to our website,, and listen to it.

This coming Sunday we will see that discipleship cannot happen without relationship. God has designed us to be in relationship with Him, but we were also created to be in relationship with one another. Often in church, we lack depth in our relationships with one another that lead to discipleship. We will also see that Rules - Relationship = Rebellion, while Rules + Relationship = Obedience. We are called to Grow in our walk, or another way of describing this is that we are to become like Jesus. Becoming like Jesus means we have to live out (obey) His commands (rules). Without relationship we will merely rebel. We will understand that the type of relationship we were intended to have can only happen in small groups (less than 14). As a part of this sermon, I will explain in greater detail what we feel God is calling us to do long-term. I hope you will be here.

In Christ,
Mark Smith, Pastor of FBC Jacksonville, AR