Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Disciples Making Disciples: Stages of Spiritual Growth

Last week we asked how Jesus made disciples. We saw from the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19 that Jesus did not make disciples in a classroom or use any curriculum--at least not how we would define classroom and curriculum. His classroom was life and happened wherever He was. With Zacchaeus the classroom was on the road and in a house. The "curriculum" was based on the needs of the individual because each of us is unique, and we cannot put people in a box to learn how to follow Jesus. Remember, we cannot separate the results of Jesus from the methods of Jesus. Therefore, disciple making has to be done the way Jesus did it. It happens through relationship as we intentionally model what it means to follow Jesus.

This next Sunday we will look at the stages of spiritual growth. Where am I in terms of spiritual maturity? Am I ready to be a person who makes disciples who makes disciples? We will understand that our words and actions reveal where we are in our spiritual growth process. We will delve into the five stages of spiritual growth, and you will have the opportunity to evaluate your life to see where you are. This will not be designed to discourage you, but I hope you will learn where you are spiritually and what needs to happen next to become a spiritually mature parent who makes disciples who make disciples.