Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Annual Backpack Giveaway

Over the past few years, we have collected backpacks filled with supplies to give to families as they start back to school. Last year we made a couple of changes for the better in how we organize our annual backpack giveaway. First, we adopted a local elementary school so we could specifically help one school. We are doing the same thing this year, but we will be at Pinewood Elementary School. We have begun a partnership with them, and this would be a blessing for them. Second, we collected money instead of individuals purchasing backpacks and supplies because we can order in bulk and have twice as many backpacks to give away. As we approach the Fall, we will let you know how you can specifically help at the event. Right now, we need to begin collecting the funds for the backpacks. To order in bulk, we need to place our order by June 10. I hope and pray you will consider giving for this opportunity. Each backpack you donate for costs $11.

In Christ,
Mark Smith, Pastor of FBC Jacksonville, AR