Thursday, May 18, 2017

What's Around the Corner?

I wanted to take a few moments to make sure you know what is coming in the next few months. As we approach the summer, many things are happening.

I hope you will continue to pray and give for our backpack giveaway at Pinewood Elementary for their Open House. We are asking you to give $11 per backpack to help those who need it. Since we are buying in bulk, we need the donations by the end of May. At this point, we have received enough to purchase 30 backpacks. We have a lot of work to do, but I know our church will come through.

Vacation Bible School
VBS is right around the corner. The theme this year is Galactic Starveyors, and the dates are June 11-15 from 6:00-8:30pm. You can register by clicking here.

M-Fuge is a camp for our students, and it isn't too late to sign up. Please talk to Tim if you are interested. He is hosting a meeting this Sunday, May 21, after at noon.

Children's Camp
This is our first year taking children to camp. The dates are June 23-26, at Camp Paron. It is for children who have completed 3rd-5th grades, and the cost is $40 per child. Registration deadline is May 28, so please see Kerry if you are interested.

Wednesday Meal
Due to the kitchen staff's inability to consistently be here during the summer months, we will not have the Wednesday Night Meal June 14-July 26.

In Christ,
Mark Smith, Pastor of FBC Jacksonville, AR